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The Danger of the Bandaid Solution

How many band-aid solutions are creating more problems than they are solving?

Our culture has adapted a quick-fix mentality that has undesirable side-effects. A mentality that is swift to sweep its issues under the rug. But is it a lasting solution or are your troubles just sitting there? Quick fixes come in all shapes and forms....

Headaches? Take an Advil.

Fever? Take a Tylenol.

Have a cold? – Take Nyquil.

As these fast resolutions may numb you of the concerns you are battling at the current moment, they also create an illusion of being healed. You can bandage the bleeding with food, cigarettes, alcohol, work, drugs but eventually your body will begin to deteriorate.

We must let go of the level of thinking that created these problems in the first place.

We must stop living in the past and start making peace with our challenges today. If the path you choose is not serving you today, why hold onto it?

Below I have come up with 3 tips to resolve the band-aid solution:


What is causing you to need the band-aid in the first place? This is the first question that you must ask yourself before you start digging deep. The storms in our lives have root causes. Everything begins in the root, just as nature does. We may need to dig deep below the surface of our fears and experiences to find it. Acceptance is the first step to digging deep. Perhaps if we begin looking at our lives at a different perspective as a series of problem solving and learning while we grow at the same time, this can help us achieve a different result and answer to the problem in the first place.

If one is experiencing a series of health issues, it’s always a good time to ask yourself if what you are feeding your body is helping you heal or is it inhibiting dis-ease. Constant weight gain and alongside tummy aches which opens the gate to dis-ease with the contribution of eating at your local fast food joints on a daily/weekly basis OR eating healthy vibrant rainbow meals of fruits and veggies feeling on top of the world with LIMITLESS amount of energy. What do you choose? We must always remain in diligent pursuit of the true issue at hand. Our investments must always seek to address root causes. While you invest in your health, you don’t only start feeling the most alive and pure, but you also leave a footprint ahead for others. Remember, you are your own creation, you are in charge of your life, you are the cause and effect, and if you keep repeating the same and expecting a different result, you will be heading for the quick band-aid before you know it. What you eat, drink, breathe, put on your skin becomes YOU. You are inviting the outside world in so be sure to be aware of your surroundings. Cultivating this mentality will result in not only a more satisfying life, but one that is less-stricken with problems in the first place.


Stop putting yourself down. Take the time to appreciate who you are, how far you have come while acknowledging the mistakes, stumbles and losses you were set to experience. Knowing this and acknowledging YOU is what gives greater insight and awareness to move forward. You won’t need the band-aid when you know your self-worth. Reach higher and live up to all that moves you.


When I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING! Everything is prepackaged nowadays, even the advice you receive from a doctor. They tell you to take this prescription, x-many times a day with or without food (minus the nutrition tip) and there you go, the whole package delivered. But doctor....

Why am I having these issues in the first place?

Why are you giving me medication that will only control my symptoms?

What is causing me to feel this way?

Should I change my lifestyle?

Should I change the environment I live in?

These are the questions you should be asking, but 99% of the time, the medical establishment will not provide you with an answer. The truth abides WITHIN YOU! Only questions will reside until you start to transform and begin self development.

You are the answer and the change.

Many may not want to hear this, but there are no quick fixes or short cuts in life. If we recognize that it will take time, hardwork and continued dedication to develop and build a strong and healthy relationship with self, band-aids will be almost non existent to any situation or obstacle.

It is better to go slow and steady, its a guarantee that nothing will be missed.

By: Ania M.

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