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I love it out here. Can't you tell? :)

I cannot stress to you how important the wild pure air is. And when I say wild, I mean as distant as can be from where majority of civilization resides. Society continues to pollute the air and leaves it stagnated, kind of like the lymphatic system when it is not moving efficiently.

The pure air we must thrive on fuels the 5 physical sense organs and glands which control the brain through the agency of the nerve system. The wild, helps your soul evolve. Do you sometimes experience foggy thoughts? Don't feel your ultimate self? Constant headaches and brain laziness? The polluted air you are breathing is dull and is dormantizing the spiritual centers on your head and senses. It’s doing its destructive work. If a hunting dog be kept in the house and breathe the polluted air the same as the members of the family, in time the nerves in the nose and sinuses become dull, the dog loss its keen sense of smell and unable to trail game. This dog is separated from its core "instinct" and not able to perform in its own habitat as it belongs.

Civilized man labors polluted air from birth to death, this destruction renders our cosmic intelligence. Think about our human species for a moment, we are becoming so distant from nature, creating a world that focuses on self-destruction instead of self-building. People are dying every day from cancers and so called ‘dis-eases’, this is not natural. The body functions always in the direction of health. Not only are we polluting ourselves with the food we eat, but we are polluting the breath, the life force.

There are inexplicable mysteries in the air we breathe and the various organs of the body about which modern science knows nothing. Why aren’t we taught this is school? The importance of the breath? Instead we are kept in school all day with limited breaks memorizing books of minimal to no importance. If many were taught the natural rules of health and lived accordingly, one would not be sick. When have we stopped following our instinct (in-sync)? When have we stopped questioning EVERYTHING?

I believe when one connects to thyself on a higher level, we can recover more of these lost and miraculous powers of the body by living more in harmony with cosmic law. When air was less polluted many many years back, (ie: less industrialized factories/factory farming, less motorized vehicles, chem trails were non-existent) people were much healthier and more in-sync (instinct) with their bodies. The natives were so in tune with their instincts and core body that they knew exactly how many men or horses were approaching long before they were seen or heard. They could tell where a friend was travelling and can perform many more amazing powers. These natives performed like wild birds or any animal of the kingdom.

I believe we can manifest our special human given powers. Look at the magnificent human body, it can heal when man moves more towards the abundance of what nature has provided us. People have healed and reversed many dis-eases by simply eating a raw food diet. NOW THAT IS POWER! If you are skeptical, feel free to browse through our collection of raw food testimonials. It is very clear that raw foods are full of oxygen, which dis-ease cannot survive and thrive in. When you eat heavily cooked and acidic damaging foods, the oxygen is deprived thus inviting cellular weakness to the table.

The breath aka the oxygen is number one, it keeps us alive. It is not only automatic and involuntary but the primary function of the living organism. All other functions in the body are secondary and designed to keep the body fit to perform the breathing function. This is proof that breathing is the big secret to living. Man has fasted many days without water or food, but if he stops breathing, it can be fatal, because it is the power to our engine, it is the universe within us.

If you have a job where you spend a majority of time inside, get out and start moving, either in the mornings on your breaks and after work. You must keep that breath flowing. Stay away from busy polluted streets, and revolving more around the pure trees and plants, because they clean and purify the air and also give hope to humanity, how cool is that?

The enemies of health and life are inhaled daily out of city air and retained in the air organs, they are enough to wreck any organism and send its health to a depleting low. The common “cold” is one of the symptoms of the damage being done. Polluted air is destroying the air cells in the lungs, causing congestion and pains in the chest and these so called “remedies” are offered for the symptom while no one seems to know the cause of the condition. On top of that, to relieve the misery, almost everything is used from paralyzing drugs to poisonous sprays, which destroys the spiritual function of the sinus. The body’s constitution has become so weak and rigid, that the environment it lives in can cause sudden death.

You can change your world by changing your habits and environment, if you continue in the same path without any change, you sink in degeneration. Somewhere inside there has to be a conscience saying we can do better as a human race. One that wants to do better. Follow your instincts, connect with mother of nature, this is the purest form of love, in which you are not only giving but also receiving. Eat your fruits and vegetables, and continue reaching higher.

Love always, Ania


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