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Top 5 Fruits For Detox

Hello fellow health seekers, this is my list of Top 5 Fruits for Detox! Now I will say that this list is definitely open for debate, however I doubt any seasoned detox enthusiast can argue that all 5 of my choices are great fruits for detox. When thinking about this list, I wanted to consider a few different factors. Astringents, soft fibre, water content, antioxidants, digestibility, availability and cost were all considered. Although, they didn't make my list, I need to also give berries an honorable mention for their high antioxidant content, which are known to minimize free radical damage in the body. Choose organic whenever possible!

#5 Pears

Pears are great for detox because they are very easy to digest. They owe this trait to their incredibly soft and soothing fibre. High in pectin, pears are excellent for helping to clean up the digestive tract. Pectin (also high in apples, citrus, and most fruits), can help eliminate toxins and chemicals from the digestive tract. Because of their soft fibre and laxative effect, pears are possibly the best fruit for constipation. They sweep your colon clean in no time. It's a little known fact that, the simple pear packs a good dose of antioxidant power. However, not having the level of astringents (lymph moving power) as some other fruits, lands Mr. Pear at #5. That being said, pears are a great tool for anyone suffering from any kind of digestive condition. Considering their availability and low cost you just can't go wrong.

#4 Watermelon

Watermelon is a great fruit for detox for so many reasons, but perhaps the most important is the raw living water. Watermelon is tremendous at flushing the kidneys! Your body's primary eliminative organs! Works great as a breakfast because first thing in the morning is usually when you are most dehydrated and the kidneys will have built up a toxic load over night. Watermelon is also probably the easiest food in the world to digest and it is also very efficient at flushing out the digestive tract. Eating easy to digest food (FRUITS!) is at the heart of detox and recovery because it saves energy for the body to use towards healing and moving toxins OUT!

#3 Apples

A cliche a day keeps the doctor away. Apples deserve their great reputation as a health food, because even one apple packs a good dose of antioxidants. They are great lymph movers, bowel movers, inexpensive and are available everywhere. Look for organic apples, or better yet find some growing in the wild! A short term apple diet or apple juice fast can be a powerful detoxification tool. Like pears, apples are also very high in pectin, therefore their fibre is great at cleaning up the bowels. Apples clinch the #3 spot because they are superior to watermelon and pears at moving and detoxifying the lymph system.

#2 Oranges/Citrus

Usually when people think of astringents, they think of citrus. That puckering feeling you get while eating lemon comes from these powerful compounds. This makes citrus is a very strong at detoxifying the body! Oranges/citrus can pull and move lymph and mucus right out of you. Ripe oranges, clementines, tangerines are highly energetic foods with the power to raise your energy into the upper echelons of creation. This net gain of energy will facilitate healing at higher level.

One should take some consideration with citrus fruits: If you plan to eat a lot of citrus, make sure they are ripe and not overly acidic. Someone with digestive trouble may not be able to tolerate acidic oranges, lemons or limes, etc...

#1 Grapes

The almighty Grape stands proudly and humbly at the top of our list! Grapes are the #1 fruit for detox because they combine all the factors in one amazing, simple package. Grapes are easy to find, juicy, rich in phytochemicals, provide soft cleansing fibre for the digestive tract and are easy to digest. They are referred to as tumor busters for good reason! Grapes have strong astringent compounds that rival citrus in their ability to help move lymph, yet have soft healing fibre comparable to melons and pears. It's no surprise grapes have inspired books such as “The Grape Cure”. Very often Dr. Morse recommends short term mono grape diets for degenerative disease recovery, especially in the case of tumors and cancer. Residing at the top of the grape mountain, organic concord grapes are one of the most powerful foods on the planet.

In conclusion, never fear or doubt nature's greatest foods in your quest to get well. Detoxing depends mainly on letting go and simplifying. Getting energy through fruits conserves digestive energy, this allows the body to heal at a faster rate. Hold on to this simple fact in your quest to get well. Let it be your compass.

Peace and Love,


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