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Sherlock Health Part 1

Sherlock Health Part 1

by Mark Martin

There came a time in every health seekers life when they decided to start asking questions! And isn't it strange that someone would have to call themselves a health seeker in the first case... because it implies that something is missing. So what is missing? Where do we find this mysterious thing called health and who has it?

As a health seeker myself, I've come to know the 2 most important things missing in our society are a lack of true knowledge and a disconnection between our minds and inner selves. Knowledge has actually become diluted with specificity, in the health field. I believe it should be absolutely normal for the everyday person to be able to take care of themselves in great health. There is no doubt that people in traditional cultures were much better at taking care of themselves. In John Robbins' book, “Healthy at 100”, he details 4 traditional cultures that were known for their centenarians. Not only that, these people were able to grow old with little degenerative disease. These cultures practiced simple lives based on whole foods and they passed down their way of life to the next generation. Sadly the traditional way has been lost in our society, however fortunately all of the knowledge has not been lost. Though the keepers of the way are far and few between, there are many people working diligently to change that. In my opinion doctors and health practitioners should be obsolete. In fact, I believe our bodies should come with instruction manuals (but you know some men would pass on reading it). The truth is we actually have most of the knowledge we need to reverse all types of degeneration in the body, and we've had it for a long time. But people are more confused than ever. In the age of “modern science”, why is that? One reason is the level of specificity of information is actually too high. I like to think of it like this, the way mainstream health science is doing research is like looking at Niagara Falls through a telescope. Sure, they can tell you a lot about water droplets but can they tell you what Niagara Falls looks like?

Modern health science has lost a wholistic perspective, which leads me to my second point, our disconnect. We've become so mentally overloaded with specific information that we have forgotten our core basic knowledge. And to put the proverbial, yet all too cliché, nails in the coffin, we have lost our simple intuition. The overload of specific and confusing information has lead us to believe that we need a degree with letters behind it in order to understand health. But that's not true, and the sooner you drop that belief, the better. We've gotten to the point where we don't trust our own bodies anymore or our inner selves. In my experience, listening (to the body and intuition) is more powerful and productive than any ideal, or mental learnedness.

Health is simple in reality. You need, relaxation, oxygen, water, food, sleep, sun and exercise. If it's not one of those things, chances are you don't need it to live and it's not helping you become healthier. In practicing true health, you only need to learn how to vary and use those needs. In my search for health, I have been very fortunate to learn from some of the keepers of the Way.

In the second part of the article, I'd like to tell you about some of these great people and the investigative tools I've learned from them to help me understand health. Furthermore, I'd like to talk about the method's we use at Fruits Berries and Melons to help you understand your health issues. In fact we are detectives, health detectives! Part of our wholistic approach when we first work with a client, and where the medical community is lacking, is that we try to understand how the client got to where they are now. From there we can decide the best path to reverse it!

Thanks for reading, make sure to check out part 2.

Your friend always,


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