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About Me - Mark Martin

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My name is Mark and I am passionate about helping people realize and subsequently manifest their highest potential.  I have been interested in The Way for more than 10 years.  I enjoy learning about health, fitness, diet, science as well as the mental and spiritual worlds.  I am a certified detox specialist and in the past was certified as a personal trainer.  In life, I find that everything is connected and so I consider myself a health and fitness coach. In that context, my goal is to help you achieve your maximum physical expression.


   Little did I know, my journey started when I was 10 years old. Just a year earlier my older brother Jeff was diagnosed with cancer.  His medical treatment was standard, he received surgery and chemotherapy, and not surprisingly the outcome was typical.  Unfortunately he died after about a year.  This was devastating to my family.  But even then at a young age, I knew there was something not right about this picture.   According to the medical system these things (degenerative disease) just happen and we do the best we can with the “amazing treatments” we've invented.  There was no coherent and congruent education about taking care of the human body in western society.  Virtually nobody, especially in the mainstream, was teaching us what elements and factors are health building and which are health reducing.  From this moment on I intuitively knew this couldn't be right.  The question I had to ask myself was, is the universe so haphazard or were we so ignorant to the Way of Nature?  Is there a cause and effect to health?


   In my early twenties I was very interested in fitness.  I had always felt out of shape growing up and finally decided to take action!  After about a year of hard training my health was in shambles. I developed terrible headaches, inflammation and adrenal fatigue.  Over time I also developed arthritis (a type of inflammation). Living with these symptoms was incredibly difficult and I quickly discovered the medical system had no good solutions and couldn't even tell me why I felt like I did.  Fortunately I always had an inherent belief that my actions would affect my reality.  In an effort to help myself I tried all sorts of “healthy” diets but not with much success, but Yoga was somewhat helpful.  In a random stroke of grace (synchronicity) I came across Dr Robert Morse and others teachers in the raw food/ Natural Hygiene movement.  Finally I had found health info that was helpful and logical.  I discovered what my problem was and how to reverse it!  Quickly with eating mostly raw plants, my symptoms subsided.  I was on to something!!!  From that point of knowing, I dived into learning everything I could about the hygienic way of health.


   I believe every day that goes by is a beautiful reminder that we have the choice of how we express ourselves... we can chose the path of health and regeneration or we can choose the path of destruction.  Every choice/action in everyday life can be either life building or life reducing.  My personal belief is that no matter how unwell you may be, if you still hold a will to live and make only life building choices, there exists no reason you should not recover.  One thing I've learned in life is to never let someone, including yourself, tell you, you can't achieve something.  You can do it! You can heal from anything!  Decide what you want and do it.


Top 5 Favourite Fruits

Honeydew Melon
Longan Fruit

Top 5 Favourite Books

The Miracle Detox Sourcebook – Dr. Robert Morse

Journeys out of the Body series – Robert Monroe

Tao Te Ching – Lao Tsu

Total Body Transformation – Steve Ilg

Tao of Jeet Kune Do – Bruce Lee

Top 5 Influential Persons

Dr. Robert Morse
Bruce Lee
Teal Swan
Arnold Ehret
Ann Wigmore

Top 5 Favourite Herbs

Slippery Elm
Aloe Vera

5 Words That Describe ME

Mark 2
Mark 3
Mark 4

My Articles/Blogs

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DISCLAIMER: Any information on this site, including any products and the claims made about those products on or through this site or representatives of this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information provided on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment.

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