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“The process of cleansing and alkalizing the body. The removing of obstructions (eg. acids, mucus, parasites, chemicals, minerals, metals, thoughts and emotions) that block energy and the proper function of cells and the individual. A necessary requirement in returning to vibrant health” – Dr Robert Morse – ND.




We live in a world full of chemicals. An estimated 35,000 chemicals are in commercial use in Canada and more than twice as many in the United States. No matter what you eat, drink, breathe or put on your skin is all being absorbed into your blood stream. All of the foreign materials we are exposed to builds up in our body and obstructs the daily functions of our cellular composition which can interfere with our optimum health. In order to unclog the system, you must clean the body and restore it with vitality.


Why should one DETOX?




As your detox consultant, we will work closely together and focus strongly on your body and it’s relationship. The body is your messenger and it is always telling you something, we are here to help you listen and understand the importance of that message. We will guide you to join the journey of vibrant health, where nothing is impossible. Are you ready?


On this journey, you will learn:


  • Diet is number  1! What you eat, drink, breathe and put on your skin is what you become. You invite the outside world in and we will show you how to invite only nature in.

  • How to move your lymph system – this is your sewer system and if it’s not moving, it’s backing up in your body.

  • The importance of herbs and the reflection in our body. Each herb is tissue specific meaning there is a herb connected to each and every tissue and part of the body. Herbs promote detoxification, but most importantly they support our organs. They are life and powerful.

  • How to enhance and strengthen ALL bodily organs – all organs are made of the same cellular tissues. We are whole and one.

  • Allopathic approach vs Naturopathic approach – Medicine should only consist of natural remedies that alkalize to balance, clean and regenerate the body.

  • Proper food combining and it’s effect on your body – Are the foods you are eating full of energy?

  • How to protect yourself from the toxic chemical world – Learn to minimize and eradicate environmental toxicity from your surroundings.

  • The nature of dis-ease – the root cause and it’s outcome. The body responds to the conditions you set your body up to, it is important to understand the acidity and toxicity one endures over their lifetime.

  • Weight loss and control – addressing the cause.

  • How to activate and balance your ability to heal – you are more powerful than you can imagine.

  • Reconnecting to nature – We are nature, we are the cosmos, we are the universe. We need to spend more time unplugged and find ways to let nature balance our lives.

The lymphatic system is better yet known as your “Septic System”. This great powerful system not only serves protection for your cells but also has a great duty of removing wastes from the body. It cleans, carries nutrients to the liver for processing from the small bowel and is the main immune system that protects you!  This is one of the systems that is not regarded as much as it should be.


 All glands, all organs, all tissue is nothing but cells. They are all the same but play different roles in the human body. The body is made up of two major fluids, the LYMPH FLUID (which is the interstitial fluid – water lipid base) and then you have your BLOOD FLUID.

When trying to detox, you want to focus on healing through these two main fluids. These two fluids are directly responsible for the health and maintenance of the cells.


Elimination of waste through the Lymphatic system is vital as is for every human on this planet, for every plant, animal and even MACHINE. The elimination of waste, the effective, is essential to the wellness of every single thing on this planet.


On the right side, illustrates two kidneys and two adrenal glands that sit on top of the kidneys. The kidneys are filtering units which process chemical wastes and excess water in the body. The kidneys are one of the body's four eliminative organs. Lack of proper elimination results with a stagnant lymph system. The adrenal glands are possibly one of the most important glands in the body. They produce cortical-type steroids or hormones for balancing as well as neurotransmitters for brain and nerve function (just try and comprehend how many functions they impact). It is always essential to strengthen the adrenal glands first as they have a vital relationship with every cell in the body.

Adrenal Glands

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DISCLAIMER: Any information on this site, including any products and the claims made about those products on or through this site or representatives of this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information provided on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment.

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