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Recipe for HEALTH, or DIS-EASE?

Sometimes it seems like everyone you talk to is trying to eat more healthfully. We can say most of us, do wish and strive to be healthy. But how many are really willing to risk their comfortability. In fact if you look at just human nature in general, our achievements do not come from being comfortable. It seems like we require the uncomfortability, that pressure, to obtain the diamond status.

Now, there is a fear factor involved in giving up an old habit. Even though it’s bad for us to keep it, there is still the comfortable feeling in knowing it. “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush but if the bird is a vulture, it may end up eating you some day”. There has never been a more important time to be a critical, independent, free thinker. Don’t commit intellectual suicide by closing yourself off to alternative possibilities, for after all, if what you know and do now is killing you, then you are suffering from a lack of knowledge and wisdom and the solution to your problem is to be found in the new unfamiliar territories.

Let’s look at the amazing human body for a moment – our cells are constantly working together, each organ has its own job to do but primarily all organs are working together to maintain your body, they are like members of a team whose job is to keep you alive and healthy. When you eat foods NOT designed for human consumption, you are limiting the function of your glands and organs. You are limiting the ability for creation to prosper. You are limiting the entire YOU. The full enjoyment of your life depends on learning how to live healthfully. Health care is self-care. Living and eating in a way that builds and restores health is key. Don’t be misled by those who mistakenly say that eating healthy means a diet of “limited choices” and bland foods. Nothing can be farther from the truth! Healthful nutrition is not about deprivation or about eating less. It is about eating WELL and enjoying the vibrant tastes, colors, aromas and presentation Mother Nature has delivered us.

Most people inadvertently choose a recipe for dis-ease (it's the recipe everyone else is pursuing, so it's easy to go along with). And because they follow that recipe, they get the results of that recipe. That's why dis-ease should not be surprising to anyone who knows these recipes. If you follow the recipe, you will get the results (good or bad). You can choose from all the various recipes for disease -- which include enormous quantities of junk foods, pharmaceuticals (there isn’t a single pharmaceutical that cures anything – drugs can only suppress symptoms while dumping more acid into the body’s tissues), personal care products and a barrage of vaccines -- or you can choose to pursue a LIFESTYLE recipe for good health. That recipe is based on nutrition, fresh fruits and vegetables, time spent outdoors in nature, real sunlight on your skin, regular exercise and the elimination of synthetic chemicals from your body. It's a simple, common sense recipe that anyone can choose to follow at any time. Be wary of any advice that does not resonate with the simple principles of common sense health... as in, don't irradiate yourself. Don't poison yourself (chemo). Don't cut your organs (surgery unless emergency). Don't use chemicals to control your physiology (pharmaceuticals). These should be completely avoided or a LAST resort, if all other options have failed…

Following the recipe for health may take more self-discipline and maturity than following the recipe for disease, but it's far more rewarding. For one thing, you get to live longer. Better yet, you get to live happier and healthier during all those years. And isn't that essentially why we're all interested in health in the first place?

There is a recipe for perfect health. It's a recipe that's available to you right now, and it's the same recipe that will stop your body from manufacturing disease. Follow that recipe for good health and you will experience far more enjoyment in your life, no matter how long you live.

Which recipe will YOU choose?

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DISCLAIMER: Any information on this site, including any products and the claims made about those products on or through this site or representatives of this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information provided on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment.

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