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Sherlock Health Part 2

Thanks for checking out part 2 of my article. As I sit down to write part 2, I'm realizing that Sherlock Health may actually be better expressed as a 4 part article. So if you will bear with me. In part 2, I think it's relevant and interesting to review Treatment based thinking when understanding healthcare.

Perhaps, it should be common sense that it would be important to for a health practitioner to understand how someone has lost their health. But sadly, in 2017 if it doesn't make dollars, it doesn't make sense. We live in a world of treatment based thinking, and the propaganda that goes along with it. If mainstream health practitioners (including medical Dr.'s, Naturopaths, Homeopaths, etc..) were real health detectives it would expose their current practice for what it really is,... mostly useless. It would quickly become clear that their treatments are just treatments, and not addressing the causes of physical degeneration.

So how does someone go about understanding health when there is no shortage of conflicting information out there? To do that we need to start by going back to basic science and the understanding that we live in a cause and effect world. We need to understand there are accidents in the world but nothing happens by accident. Everything that exists happened because some event or chain of events lead up to it. Say for instance I roll a dice. I might ask you what are the chances it lands on 3 ? You will say there is a 1 in 6 chance. And while that may seemingly be true mentally and philosophically, it is not true in physical reality. In reality there isn't 1 in 6 chance it will land on 3. Truth is it will land exactly on the number it should depending on how much force I rolled it with, the angle it hit the table, etc... So if the dice lands on 2, did that happen by chance, or was it really because of how I rolled it. What I'm trying to illustrate here is that things only appear random, but in reality it is always a cause and effect relationship. You can look up all sorts of health statistics. You can see that if you smoke you will have a high chance of manifesting lung cancer or say if you eat a lot of red meat you may have a high chance of manifesting bowel cancer. But I'm a practical guy and I like to have an “innerstanding” that I can apply. So to understand health you need to ask the right questions...You need to ask why smoking causes lung cancer or why red meat damages your bowel walls? Once you establish a why to cause and effect relationships, then you can start to build a legitimate healing system. As I will discuss later in part 3, that's exactly what many of the great natural Dr.'s did!

So take for example there is a patient with a respiratory tract “infection". If the patient goes to an MD, they will most likely get TREATED with antibiotics. What will happen if they go to a Naturopathic medicine (ND) Dr. instead? Maybe they will be TREATED with oregano oil and high doses of vitamin C. Let me ask you this, is a respiratory infection the result of a deficiency of antibiotics, oregano, or vitamin C? The answer to the question is NO, NO, and NOT LIKELY. In other words this is all treatment based thinking. Neither of these Dr.'s have put in the detective work to understand why this person has this infection. From the bottom of my heart I'll tell you, if you really want to improve your life, endeavor to understand causes. Truth is, going your entire life without ever understanding causes, especially when it comes to your health, can be downright dangerous. If you can identify and undo the cause of your problem then it will simply go away. Better yet if you can identify the causes of health and sickness, you can take off in the direction of health and leave sickness in the dust behind you forever!

At this point, a good question to ask is how did we arrive at this mostly useless, treatment based, healthcare paradigm? It goes without saying that there were many contributing social and economic factors. However, I can think of one philosophical reason why we are here. It is the belief that when we get sick, what is happening, shouldn't be happening. Perhaps this is an emotional response stemming from a lack of innersatnding. Often it comes from the fear that we need to fight it or it will take over us. In this way fear can lead us to make all kinds of irrational decisions in life. In reality nature and your body does exactly what it's supposed to do given the circumstances. And once you KNOW your body and the laws of nature, you will never need fear again. A series of events lead up to you becoming sick, it is a cause and effect relationship... So if you can understand the principles of nature and apply them, you can, in my experience, practice the principles that increase health and limit the ones that decrease health to the point where you can control when/if you get sick.

Many of us in the True Health field have even arrived at an idea that goes to the next level above cause and effect. That the body is an incredibly self aware, self healing machine! In fact our observations suggest that most acute sicknesses are really the body purging itself of waste, congestion and debris it does not want. It appears in most cases the viruses and bacteria that may exist in these crises' are there only to act as catalysts and initiate change and help clean up the mess. You may have heard the saying the soil is more important than the seed. And so it is true in your body's lymph system as well where much of the toxicity is stored. In this case the soil refers to the internal cleanliness of the body (lymph system) and the seed refers to germs (bacteria, viruses, parasites, etc...). If that is the case, you can quickly realize how fallacious it is to treat sickness, especially in the case of treatments that slow or prevent your body from detoxifying itself. In fact it becomes covertly dangerous to treat sickness because you are covering up the effects of causes and the day will come when the effects return. Instead you need to allow the body to detoxify. I'll discuss this more in part 3.

Thanks again for reading. In part 3, I want to get more into the Dr.'s and health pioneers who helped us come to a high level of innerstanding human health. Part 4 will focus on practically applying the diagnostic knowledge we have learned and developed. That's where the real detective work comes in :)

Your friend always,


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