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Botanical Profile: Dandelion

Taraxacum officinale

Dandelion has an long-standing reputation as being a springtime tonic and a blood purifier. The root is more used for these blood-purifying qualities (called an alterative). It is also known as one of the best liver tonics. Dandelion digs deep into the body, as reflected in the appearance of lion's teeth. It is used when heat (from acids) has caused the fluids to slow down and thicken, causing inflammation of tissues reaching down into the bones (the most solid form).

[SPECIFIC] Used in cases of a "mapped-tongue" covered with a white film; feels raw; comes off in patches leaving red, sensitive spots. When tongue has above conditions and the color is a deep red (irritation) and the lips are dry. Dehydration is caused by the accumulation of acids within the body. ** We want the tongue to appear bright pink, a sign of vibrant health ** [QUALITIES] Bitter, Sweet, Cold Used to reduce heat, counter toxicity, disperse swelling, stomachache, hepatitis, laryngitis and acute tonsillitis. Useful when there is stagnant bile which leads to gallstones — dandelion slowly cleanses the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. Dandelion enhances the flow and production of bile to the gallbladder which causes contraction and release of stored bile (acting as a cholagogue - an agent which discharges bile and energy flows downward). Therefore, dandelion is used for problems deriving from the liver/gallbladder including:

- high cholesterol

- excess urea

- gout

- constipation

- varicose veins

- cellulitis

- eczema

- acne

- herpes Dandelion is a diuretic, and works on both sides of the kidneys excreting fluids and retaining specific constituents. It is one of the few diuretics that retains potassium and builds up the retentive side of the kidneys. This botanical can cause weight loss due to water removal, which is ultimately due to the decrease of acidosis within the body, as the body retains water to protect from acids. Dandelion is a constitutional remedy for diabetes, obesity and excessive tiredness. It can be used for chronic inflammatory conditions — skin conditions, wheezy lungs, colon congestion, and "leaky gut syndrome" Due to it's high mineral content, dandelion has been used to strengthen the enamel of the teeth. Dandelion is a great nutritive food and herb as it's mineral content is rich and balanced. You can find dandelion in the following formulas: Kidney and Bladder I

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