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People are constantly crossing paths with you, whether it's by saying hello at the grocery store or helping a dear one get well. Everything seems to be coded and meant to happen, we do create our destiny and we participate in its unfolding. Do you think the universe fights for souls to connect? Nothing is a coincidence. There is a reason why people cross paths with you and you know right away that they were meant to be there, to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or help you connect the dots to your true self. That soul being you may lock eyes with today will affect your life in some profound way either in minuscule steps or greatly but once that energy is tapped in, the story begins to unravel. The crosser can possibly be your classmate, neighbor, boss, long lost friend, lover, or even a being you have never seen before. No matter how little this experience may mean to you, no matter how small the movement, it is felt by all of us. Knowing that, just simply wearing a smile can impact waves.

Sometimes things can happen to you that may seem unfair and painful at first but it’s important to realize this is a reflection in all of us, without experiencing these obstacles, you may never tap into the true core of your strength or realize your will power, or heart without letting the experience in. The connection you create when being in that moment can impact YOU in many ways. A negative thought and feeling about someone else will only end up hurting yourself because we are ALL CONNECTED. When you meet other beings think of them as a mirror of yourself. If you smile - they smile back. If you are angry - they might reflect anger right back at you. A wise soul told me today "You experience in others what you are willing to embrace in yourself", all is self and once we realize this, the world will breathe peace. Our thoughts are immortal and never ending. This connection we are linked to has no separation. We may feel all alone but we never are, remember we all breathe the same air and we are always unconsciously telegraphing our thoughts to others. Everything past, present and future is connected and this eternal energy we comprise of can never be destroyed. The animals, planets, people, space, stars all live inside of us. We are drops in this big universal ocean, like a sea of energy where everything is constantly vibrating at all different motions and speeds. Physically we may look different, but on the micro level we are all the same. We are energetically connected to all molecules on earth; we are the earth, we are one.

Everything happens for a reason. Coincidence is just an illusion. Just because you can’t see the connection or reason for something happening does not mean there is no connection. Science tends to claim if something cannot be experimentally proven and calculated, then it is not true. This experimental method they base life on simply cannot explain everything we live for. We must not doubt ourselves and the power we hold within us, we must remember our minds see much beyond our five senses. Especially when you quiet the mind, just let your imagination roar and be free because you have the ability to travel anywhere across time and space, I promise you that.

Living through an illness or experiencing love or injury or lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all synchronize and test the limits of your soul. You might not see or understand why a chance event happened, but there is always a reason behind it. The reason becomes apparent at some point in time. Without this experience, whatever it may be, life would be like a smoothly paved; straight, flat road that is moving nowhere. Similar to the stagnation of the lymphatic system, if the lymphatic system stops moving, there is a much higher potential for dis-ease to occur.

Every experience you live through will help create who you are and who you will become, even the bad experiences are learned from. If they are not, well then you will repeat it over again until you innerstand. If someone betrays you, breaks your heart and hurts you, forgive them for they have helped you to acknowledge trust and the importance of being cautious when you open your heart. If you feel the moment, embrace it because you are alive and simply your existence is a blessing. Make everyday count and appreciate every moment. Take from those moments everything you possibly can as you may never be able to experience it again. Life is an experience and no matter what you observe, until you take this journey yourself you may not innerstand. Trust that we co-create with an unfolding plan, and even if we don’t like what is unfolding, to consider the possibility that we are being guided in a different direction than we had planned – one that serves our highest good. Remember, we are ALWAYS growing and evolving in the process.

Take chances and talk to people that you have never talked to before and always listen. Throw yourself in nature and let the outside world in, feel it in your roots, in your breath and on your skin. Love YOURSELF and let others love you, break free, and set your sights high. Tell yourself that you are an AMAZING individual & believe in yourself, life begins when you are WHOLE. You are the creator, the divine being and you are happiness. Draw your life and go live it with absolutely NO REGRETS. Most importantly, if you love someone tell them, hearts are often broken by words left unspoken. A lesson learned every day is a life well lived, there's no doubt that every day is a gift and the gift is an opportunity to live, to learn, and to grow. Stop the worrying and the hurrying, be an immovable worry free warrior. Today is tomorrow and tomorrow is today, so was it worth stressing yesterday?

Love always,



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