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Organic VS Conventional OR Natural VS Poison

ORGANIC? What does Organic truly mean? Should I buy it? Why is it more expensive? Will it benefit me?

When you step into a grocery store, you see many items labeled "Organic" and the rest of the fruit or veggies remaining are not labeled. Organic put simply, if certified, means it is free of synthetic additives, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, dyes and must not be processed using industrial solvents, irradiation, or genetic engineering. So looking at the organic produce, it is much closer to nature then comparing it to the conventional produce but why is it that the organic produce must be labeled and gone through a huge costly process to prove its naturality and the conventional produce which is sprayed with poison not? I mean, it would be nice to know the strawberries that I am buying are listed of it's harmful ingredients. Yes, there is more than one ingredient in a conventional Strawberry. I would have thought the strawberry is the ingredient but it is more of a "food-like" product.

The cost of Organic food can range from a dollar more to a few dollars more but have you priced your health? Making our health a priority will make a difference and why not support the organic farmers. Every time you buy organic, you are persuading more farmers to grow organic. If you can afford to buy the latest video game or the newest set of designer bags, you can buy ORGANIC. The cost of buying organic is the cost of the farmers paying the label. Organic farmers must prove of the label and surely meet guidelines to USDA. Violations of the USDA's organic labeling rules can earn companies civil penalties of up to $11,000. Right and this is all by proving to the big guys that "hey here is a bunch of money I owe you, I didn't use any chemicals" while the other guys that are poisoning produce don't owe a single penny, the irony.

I remember learning all about Organic foods more in depth when I entered my college years at 19-yo, I did a project on GMO's and organic foods and remembered while researching finding an article on the many rats that developed tumors after ingesting conventional modified produce over a short period of time. At that time, I was not eating organic and did not realize how important it is and how over the long term, can affect our health in a toxic way. Did I mention the nutritional value is much higher in organic whole foods? A wise woman by the name of Janette Murray Wakelin, who healed her stage four breast cancer all with nature met with me at the Toronto Raw Vegan Festival who spoke about her experience and mentioned that one organic banana equals three conventional bananas. If you try both bananas, please see for yourself, the energy and love you receive from the most natural will leave you in awing bliss.

One question to ask yourself is, Why is food and drugs under the same administration (FDA)? How does that make sense? Well when I think of it now, all or most food is injected with drugs, be it the meat, dairy, and "processed" food-like industries. Now we have our produce to battle with, injected with poison agents to make the color become richer and extend longer shelf life. It's all about sell, sell, sell. Everything is a business! The longer the shelf life, sadly to say, the shorter yours. Preservatives to sell, not to preserve our health. Natures chemistry is not meant to be altered.

When we visited Florida in 2014, I stumbled upon some conventional oranges that definately caught my eye. I do respect though that they for once have labeled these oranges, majority of produce is not labeled with the substances they contain. I read the label which included three of natures destroyers: Thiabendazole/Phenylphenol/Imazalil. These are all extremely toxic pesticides/fungicides. These CARCINOGENIC toxins are well known to affect the developmental and reproductive sides to the body. That being said, eating 2 oranges could cause a toxic overload of these harmful agents for a child and just 3 oranges for an adult.

A classmate and I also noticed a pack of oranges in Florida that had a label that read "Color Added". In Canada, they would never label this, I have yet to see one pack labelled that they are injecting coloring agents to the fruit even though my gut feeling says they are. Why are they adding color to an orange? It's bad enough they have it coated in fungicides and wax but colored too. This changes the orange all around, it's not even an orange anymore, it's a wax poison colored ball. It's all a money game in the end, when the people stand up and stop supporting this process, we can all overcome it.

What you pour in, pours out. Please never settle for anything less than amazing.

As I observe the produce aisles time after time, it's bothersome to see everything backwards. Why is conventional fruit looked at as "normal" but organic is the one that should be labeled and looked at as different?

Organic in reality is the natural. Conventional sprayed, colored, and waxed produce is poison and should always be descriptively labeled of it's specific toxic ingredients it contains. Organic produce in reality should not even be labelled, it is the pure produce the earth created in it's natural form.

In definition, conventional means: "following traditional forms or what is held generally acceptable or in accordance with what is generally believed". Injecting poison in food was never traditional. Roughly 100 years ago, allopathy was quickly introduced into the world where pharmaceuticals were fixed in a lab. They found a way to make money and the way to make money was to decrease the vitality of the population. Slowly then, homeopathy was ridden. They wanted to do everything and anything to wipe out homeopathy and the instinct of nature for the people. At the time allopathy started booming, was when the poisons in our food was scientifically experimented, better yet played around with in a lab. They found a way to unnaturally preserve food and poison the people; it was a win-win for the system to carry out business. These man-made chemicals you see in our food is destroying the earth so rapidly that you can't even envision it with the naked eye. Most people are not even aware that there is poison in our food. How can they believe it is "conventional" when they don't even know that there is pure poison in there? It is a game to be easily fooled. Want proof? Look at the dying bee population. Recently, over 37 million bees were found dead in Ontario Canada, a local farm nearby my home. Natures pollinators have been found dead worldwide. In China, there are no bees to polinate nature which has left man to do it by hand. This issue represents an overwhelming threat to the food chain and an environmental crime of the highest order. This is a deliberate effort that endangers the food chain and the chemicals responsible for this act are to blame that are wiping out our pollinators today.

"If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would only have four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man"

If you can’t buy organic, you can protect yourself and family either buying a fruit and veggie wash in your whole foods store that is made with organic food grade ingredients or what I like to do is make my own when organic is not always available. Home made is always best and helps to clean those fruits and veggies better than ever, it's also a lot less expensive than those produce washes.

Here is my recipe for a simple fruit and veggie wash:

  • 2 cups of water

  • 3 tbl spoons of Himalayan/celtic sea salt or baking soda

  • ¼ cup of hydrogen peroxide (you can find this in your health foods store)

  • ¼ cup of Apple Cider Vinegar

  • ½ of a Lemon

When you take a close look around, the population is suffering including all species. The cancer rates are sky rocketing high, nature is declining in it's livelihood and it's the amount of chemicals and synthetic poisons the world is soaking in. It's all around us and if we don't put a stop to it now, the earth will filter and absorb it all until it cannot filter anymore. We are WORTHY, our earth is WORTHY, all LIFE is WORTHY.

If we continuously support our organic whole food farmers, use eco nature friendly products in our home/surroundings and connect with nature as one, then we can blockade all eradication from touching our temple. My body is my temple that I love and respect for all life it has given me and my earth. I will not support chemicals that destroy me.

Kiwi popsicle

Written By: Ania Ma


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